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Saving the Bizet,


Ferme des Pratz



Haute-Savoie, France

They were both working at the World Health Oranization (WHO) in Geneva. They already lived in the countryside with horses, cats and dogs, but Anne wanted to have sheeps. And a tractor. And a farm. So she decided to quit first and buy her first Bizet breed sheep. Originally from the Massif Central, the Bizet race included over 300 000 sheeps in the early twentieth century, 100 000 in 1960 and less than 10 000 in 2000.

"I always dreamt about having sheeps and a tractor." - Anne

This breed is quite rare nowadays because these sheeps are not really big and they have long and thin paws, which makes it complicated to enter the supermarkets crates. But their flesh is succulent. The meat of Bizet breed lambs has an exceptional flavor, very appreciated by gourmets: the story even relates that King Louis XIV ate sheep only if it were the Bizet breed!


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Bizet sheeps can be easily recognized because they show a fine black head with a white blaze. They also have black paws with white socks. Funny thing, when the lambs are born, they are black but the more they grow, the more their fleece is becoming beige.

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Today, Anne and isabelle have about 120 ewes, plus their lambs and two rams. The herd is fed exclusively on grass (summer), hay (winter) and cereals (barley produced locally).

And you now have to book your Bizet a few months before if you want to have a chance to savour it,

Bon appétit!

By Julia