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Love your waste !

Did you know that 40% of the food we produce end up to the bin?

Love your waste is a start up that helps organizations like schools, hospitals, companies or restaurants to manage their biowaste.

In fact, since January 2016 in France, every organization that produces a certain amount of bio-waste has to recycle it, by composting (not possible with meat) or methanization. And even if they're not (yet) concerned by the low, a lot of organizations are looking to manage better their waste.

To do so, Love your waste offers to make a first diagnostic by weighing the bio-waste and observing the eating habits of the guests. Then, when guests are ready to sort the wastes, they provides special bio-waste bins to take the bio-waste to units of methanization where it will be transformed in biogaz and natural fertilizer.

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Love your waste offers to manage the bio-waste, but also to communicate about it and to do some consulting for the organizations to help them reduce their foodwaste !

* Communication consists of specific formations and animation in the organization, from the canteen staff to the guests (children, seniors, workers...). It can be a special game with questions invented by Love your waste to increase awareness of children about food waste for example.

* Consulting is about doing some researches about the amount and the reasons why there is food waste. Then, the company along with Love your waste can prepare an action plan to reduce its food waste (and thus its costs). Love your waste can also help the company to enhance its social and environmental actions into and out the company.

Need another argument?

Love your waste collaborates with work insertion enterprises that helps unumployed people for a long time to find a job to transport the bio-waste. The drivers of the trucks are thus people with social difficulties, and are helped during their job time to solve those problems, do some formations and then achieve the job they wish.

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Of course, as a start-up, a lot of projects are going on at Love your waste! Most of the road is already done by trucks using biogaz. But they would like to go further by using river transport over the Seine.

They could transport the bio-waste once a month by boat, only using the trucks to go to the harbour and then from the harbour to the unit of methanization.

By Julia